
Ian and Judy's blog

Ian and Judy's blog

South Island now ... (North Island progress is at the bottom of site)

South Island now ...  (North Island progress is at the bottom of site)

Friday 22 November 2013

22.11.13. Well, we have explored every bay going east and west of Wanaka for miles today looking for the origin of our painting. Each time we think, yes, this is it and then something isn't right. We remain determined, however. The picture is of a mountain range viewed over Lake Wanaka. And the story is that Ian's dad, Russell, pioneered said mountain when he was a medical student. Years later he and Ian's mum, Maud, visited Wanaka again. We think this must have been 60+ years ago. He saw the picture in a gallery and instantly recognised it as the mountain he had climbed and, indeed, got frost bite from. So they went in to speak to the artist. Russell pointed out that it wasn't quite right because the depicted mountains were not clad with snow as they had been during his climb. The artist kindly offered to make good this deficiency if they could wait a while. But they couldn't and so the picture remains unadorned (and on our lounge wall). 
The rides up both sides of Lake Wanaka were magical and very hot
This one is getting close to the painting

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